Our Story

“By adopting a slower and more meaningful way of living and producing, the promise is to never over produce or create unnecessary waste, during a process in which you, our customer, can be involved from the weaving to the packaging.”

Cotton grown on the Mediterranean coast, woven into thread in the Aegean region, handwoven into fabric in the Black Sea region, put together by our tailors in Istanbul. Overall, our goods only travel about 1200 km before they leave our studio and reach wherever you are.  



Our Story

Ferah started with me rediscovering one of the many Şile cloth dresses from my grandmother’s summer wardrobe and became one of the most meaningful journeys I’ve ever been on.

Focusing on the importance of sustainable practices such as keeping alive handcrafted heritage production and biodegrability, ferah combines the century old craftsmanship of Şile women with modern and genderless designs to form a seasonless brand that produces made to order goods.

Borrowing colors and textures from nature and the rich culture of the Mediterranean region, ferah marries together a minimal aesthetic with the rich texture of handwoven organic cotton Şile cloth to integrate into your everyday life. 

By adopting a slower and more meaningful way of living and producing, the promise is to never over produce or create unnecessary waste, during a process in which you, our customer, can be involved from the weaving to the packaging.  

Organic cotton is not only better for our health but also for the health of the planet.



less CO²



less water



less energy

Core Values

Handmade to Order

Highlighting Local Heritage Production Practices
